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Final Exam Review - Level 5

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the mandatory Charity called
What is the Thana in a salah? recite it
Subhanaka Allahuma....
What does the word Zakat literally mean
To Purify
What does the word Sadaqa literally mean?
Sincerity for Allah
How many times a year is Zakat given?
Once a year
What root word does Ramadan come from?
Arabic word for fasting
What does SAWM mean?
To abstain or stay away
What does Taqwa mean?
guarding against sins and observing the divine command
What is the first pillar of Islam
How many times minimum do we recite Surah Fatiha in our 5 salahs?
17 times a day
What were the companions of the Prophet (S) called?
What does doing shirk mean?
Association with Allah
When did the farewell khutba happen?
632 CE
How old was Prophet (S) when he passed away?
What is the meaning of the word Al Quran
To recite or read
What language are Hadith originally revealed in
French ... joking .... IT WAS IN ARABIC
What is the name of the Head of Shayateen
What is the Middle Path
Straight path
What are the Acts of Worship called in Arabic
What does Allah's name Ghafur mean?
The Forgiving
What does the name Al Wadud mean?
The Loving
Who is responsible for your actions on the DOJ?
Which masjid had 2 Qiblas?
What is the name of the Prophet's Masjid
Masjid Nabawi
Which masjid is Kabah located in ?
Masjid Al Haram
Which Prophet was thrown into the fire as a punishment?
Prophet Ibrahim
What side do we sleep as a sunnah?
Right side
Which prophet was thrown into the well?
Prophet Yusuf
What is a plural for a masjid?
What country is Masjid Al Haram located in?
Saudi Arabia
What country is Masjid Nabawai located in?
Saudi Arabia
What shape is the Kabah?
What is the Arabic word for Prayers
What is the dry Ablution called?
What is the difference between a Wudu and a Ghusl
Ghusl is washing the entire body whereas Wudu is only certain parts
Can colored water be used for wudu?
Does cursing/swearing break wudu?
What is the arabic word for forgiveness
What were the companions of the Prophet (S) called?
What is an UMMAH?
Community of Muslims
What is the name of the first major battle in Islam?
Battle of Badr
How much is Zakat to be given?