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Where questions

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where do cows live?
On a farm.
Where do birds lay their eggs?
In a nest.
Where do kids go to learn?
To school.
Where do people buy food.
At a grocery store.
Where do airplanes fly?
In the sky.
Where do doctors work?
At a hospital.
Where do apples grow?
On a tree.
Where do babies sleep?
In a crib.
Where do people sleep at night?
On a bed/ in a bedroom.
Where do kids play outside at school?
On a playground.
Where do people cook food?
In the kitchen.
Where do people take a bath?
In the bathroom/ bathtub/.
Where do people get their mail?
From the mailbox.
Where do people put trash?
In a trash/ garbage can.
Where do fish live?
In water.
Where do carrots grow?
In the dirt/ ground/ garden
Where do people swim?
In a pool/ water.
Where do people buy clothes?
At a store.
Where do people wash thier hands?
In a sink.
Where do people use a boat?
In the water/ at a lake.