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Why questions

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why do people wear sunglasses?
Because the sun is bright.
Why do people carry umbrellas?
To stay dry in the rain.
Why do kids take backpacks to school?
To carry books and papers.
Why do people use silverware?
To eat food.
Why do kids go to school?
To learn.
Why do people go to the doctor?
Because they are sick/to get better.
Why do people go to the grocery store?
To get food.
Why do people go the dentist?
To get teeth cleaned/ fix teeth
Why do babies use bottles?
To eat.
Why do people use cameras?
To take pictures.
Why do people water plants?
So the plants will grow.
Why do people use scissors?
To cut paper.
Why do people have TV's?
To watch a show.
Why do people have phones?
To call/ talk to people.
Why do people have refridgerators?
To store food/ to keep food cold.
Why do people use stoves?
To cook food.
Why do people use an alarm clock?
To wake them up.
Why do people use towels?
To dry off.
Why do people use soap?
To get hands/body clean
Why do people go to a pool?
To swim.