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Look 3 Unit 12

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where is he going?
He is going to the waterpark.
Where is she going?
She is going to visit the museum.
They ____ (not) going to go to the theme park.
They aren't going to go to the theme park.
She ____ (not) going to the funfair.
She isn't going to the funfair.
I'm looking at beautiful paintings. Where am I?
At the art gallery.
They ____ to go to the theme park.
They are going to go to theme park.
He ____ (not) to go on a roller coaster.
He is not going to go on a roller coaster.
We ____ (not) to the water park.
We are not going to go to the water park.
She ____ to see the animals at the wildlife park.
She is going to see the animals at the wildlife park.
I ____ (not) to clean my room.
I am not going to clean my room.
I ____ to summer camp in June.
I am going to summer camp in June.
We ____ to stay at home and relax this weekend.
We are going to stay at home and relax this weekend.
He ____ (not) to go to the museum next month.
He is not going to go to the museum next month.
She ____ to play games and win prizes at the funfair.
She is going to play games and win prizes at the funfair.
We ___ to see the dinosaurs at the museum next Monday.
We are going to see the dinosaurs at the museum next Monday.
I'm learning about history! Where am I?
At the museum.
I can see a beautiful shape carved out of stone. What am I?
A sculpture.
They ____ to stay at home and watch films this weekend.
They are going to stay at home and watch films this weekend.
Are they going to the theme park?
Yes, they are.
Is he going to the water park?
No, he isn't.
Is she going to go on a roller coaster?
Yes, she is.
Are they going to stay at home on the weekend?
No, they aren't.