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Name a systems / software development model
waterfall, systems life cycle, SDLC, PAD, Agile, SSADM or others.
Name a common development lifecycle phase in a Waterfall model
Requirements Spec, design, implementation, testing, debugging, installation & maintenance
Name a development phase usually in a systems lifecycle
definition, investigation and analysis, design, implementation, testing, documentation, evaluation, maintenance
Name the agile methodology that features 3 'ceremonies', 3 'roles' and 3 'artefacts'
What does the Agile manifesto prioritise over comprehensive documentation
Working software
what does the Agile manifesto prioritise over processes and tools
Individuals and interactions
what does the Agile manifesto prioritise over contract negotiation
Customer collaboration
what does the Agile manifesto prioritise over following a plan
Responding to change
Name a type of coding function
What does DFD stand for?
Data-flow Diagram
Give an example of what good quality software should have/be?
Project, Excel, File repositories, Code libraries, testing software, IDEs
Who decides what good quality software should have/be?
Computer Aided Software Engineering
Name a type of useful diagram for projects / systems design
Gannt, flowchart, Static / Structure, Dynamic / Behaviour
Whose needs should you consider when analysis systems for redesign?
Stakeholders - customers, users, staff, management...
Name an investigation technique to find out about your client org
interview, document analysis, survey, focus group, observation
Name some things you should write in your rationale
risks, costs, benefits, sequencing, resource utilisation, recommendations
What does SMART - as in SMART target stand for?
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound