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she be sleepy / she be tired.
She´s sleepy when she´s tired.
She´s -- (Asian, grumpy, old) lady.
She´s a grumpy, old, Asian lady.
My uncle is -- (middle-aged, bored, black) men.
My uncle is a bored, middle-aged, black men.
I wear a jacket / be cold.
I wear a jacket when it´s cold.
It´s a (hard-working, small, white)
It´s a hard-working, small, white cat.
gets mad / you talk to her rudely
She gets mad if you talk to her rudely.
What the acronym OSASCOMP stands for?
1.Opinion, 2. Size, 3. Age 4. Shape, 5. Color, 6. Origin, 7. Material, 8. Purpose
If she / hear / good jokes, / she / laugh
When she hears good jokes,she laughs.
heat water / it boil
When you heat water, it boils.
you don´t study / you fail the exam
If you don´t study, you fail the exam.