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Functions, Equations, Expressions, and Inequalit ...

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What is the is y-intercept of the line y = -2x - 1?
Identify the slope and the y-intercept.
Slope = 2 y-intercept = -3
What is the slope of the line y = 4x - 2?
What is the rule for the table? (hint: you need to use y = mx + b)
y = 1/2x - 3
Write an equation for a line that has a slope of 1/2 and a y-intercept of -1.
y = 1/2x - 1
A towing company charges a flat fee of $50 in addition to a$2 a mile to tow vehicles. What equation would show the relationship between total cost and miles towed?
y = 2x + 50
If I added a point to the table what numbers could I NOT use as an x value to keep the table a function?
7, 3, -5, and 1
What is the domain of the function?
x = {2, 4, 6, 8}
What is the range of the function?
{-2, -1, 1, 2, 3}
Is this a function?
Is this a function?
Is this a function?
Is this a function?
What is the solution to the inequality shown?
Translate: Six less than twice a number is greater than or equal to four times the quantity of nine plus half a number.
2x - 6 <= 4(9 + 1/2x)
What is the solution to the following inequality?
Which of then numbers pictured are solutions to the inequality 7x + 9 > 3x + 13?
2, 1.2, 13, 3
What is the value of the expression shown?
What is the value of the expression shown?
What is the value of the expression shown?
What is the value of the expression shown when n = 2?
What algebraic expressions is represented by the model
-2x - 2
Simplify the following expression: -5(2x - 3) + 4x
-6x +15
Simplify: 6c + 2(5 - 7c)
-8c +10
Kylie paid a total of $300 to exrecise at a gym. The initial membership fee was $75. Her gym dues were $25 a month. How many months did Kylie go to the gym?
What is the value of y? 3(2y+3) = 9y - 15
y= 8
Find the value of n.
What value of x would make this equation true?
x = -1
What is the solution to this equation? 8x - (4x + 3) = -45
x = -21/2 or -10.5
Which phrase best represents: "five times the quantity of half a number plus seven is triple a number minus ten."
5(1/2x + 7) = 3x - 10