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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What _________ she ________ (do) when you _________ (arrive)?
was she doing- arrived
Math is _____ _______ (bad) school subject.
I ____________ (watch) TV when I ___________ (hear) a noise outside.
was watching- heard
I promise mum, I_________ (behave) well at my friend's party.
will behave
I think Superman is the __________ (good) superhero of all.
My sister______________ (listen) to music while my mum ___________ (sweep) the floor
was listening- was sweeping
Children ________ __________ (not live) in space in 2025.
won't live
A Koala is __________ __________ (lazy) a dog.
Yesterday I ________ (do) my homework and________ (ride) my bike
did- rode
While I _______ _______ (walk) to the train station, I __________ (lose) my wallet
was walking- lost
When Tim grows up, he ________ ________ (travel) to space
will travel
I think Buenos Aires is ________ __________ ______ (beautiful) Mar del Plata
more beautiful than
When Dad _______ (get) home, I ___________ (do) my homework
got- was doing
In 2030 there ______ ______ (be) flying cars
will be
The Elephant is ____ _______ (big) land animal
The biggest