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Gold Experience A1 unit 9 -go/play/do review (se ...

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When are you going to __ football with your friends?
When are you going to PLAY football with your friends?
We aren't going to __ sailing with our granddad at the weekend.
We aren't going to GO sailing with our granddad at the weekend.
They are going to __ sports next months.
They are going to DO sports next months.
I'm not going to __ rock climbing.
I'm not going to GO rock climbing.
When are you going to __ skateboarding?
When are you going to GO skateboarding?
She isn't going to __ dancing, she's going to __ exercise tomorrow morning.
She isn't going to GO dancing, she's going to DO exercise tomorrow morning.
Are you going to __ mountain biking with them on Sunday?
Are you going to GO mountain biking with them on Sunday?
I'm going to __ yoga next weekend.
I'm going to DO yoga next weekend.
Is Peter going to __ rollerblading?
Is Peter going to GO rollerblading?
We're going to __ art on Saturdays next month.
We're going to DO art on Saturdays next month.
Are you going to __ beach volleyball with us?
Are you going to PLAY beach volleyball with us?
I'm going to __ cycling.
I'm going to GO cycling.
beach volleyball
mountain biking
rock climbing
rock climbing