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All you need is clefting

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"All I know is just what I read in the newspapers" Is this an example of clefting or nominalisation?
"Through their day-by-day selection and display of the news..." Is this an example of clefting or nominalisation?
Is this sentence grammatically correct? "What newspapers have done is communicated controversial matters."
Yes. It is grammatically correct.
Is this sentence grammatically correct? "What public opinion has done is adapting to agenda setting."
No. It is grammatically incorrect.
True or False: Through clefting, we usually make sentences shorter.
False. We usually do this through nominalisation.
True or False: Through clefting, we can stress a part of the sentence to make contrast.
Choose the correct option: We normally start a sentence with a NOUN PHRASE / VERB PHRASE
We normally start a sentence with a NOUN PHRASE.
Choose the correct option: In cleft sentences, the wh-clause CAN / CAN'T be at the end of the sentence.
The wh-clause CAN be at the end of the sentence.
Use nominalisation to change this sentence: The producer skillfully directed the acclaimed television drama and he captivated audiences worldwide.
Option: Skillful direction of the acclaimed drama captivated audiences worldwide.
Use clefting to change this sentence: The social media platform updated its privacy policy without warning.
Option: It was its private policy that the social media platform updated without warning.
Use clefting to emphasise an adverbial phrase in this sentence: "We realized at that moment that he wasn't telling the truth."
"It was at that moment that we realized that he wasn't telling the truth"
Use clefting to emphasise the subject in this sentence: "The broadcast channel delivered breaking news"
"It was the broadcast channel that delivered breaking news"
Combine these two sentences into one using nominalisation: "The team conducted an analysis of the data. The analysis revealed significant trends."
"The team's analysis of the data revealed significant trends."
Combine these two sentences into one using nominalisation: "The scientists performed an investigation into the phenomenon. The investigation uncovered new evidence."
"The scientists' investigation into the phenomenon uncovered new evidence."