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Statistics Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A bag contains five red, three green, and two blue marbles. Which of the following events had the greatest likelihood of happening?
event 1
Eric and Sue will randomly select from a treat bag containing 6 lollipops and 4 gum balls. Who has the greater probability of selecting 1 lollipop then 1 gumball?
Is tossing a coin then rolling a die independent or dependent probability?
Is drawing a card from a deck then drawing another, without replacement, independent or dependent probability?
Hector has 15 shirts in his drawer that are all the same size and shape. He randomly selects 2 without replacement. Is that independent or dependent probability?
Joquan will randomly select 2 marbles from the bag with no replacement. What is the probability he will select a red marble and then NOT a green marble?
1/3 or .3333333...
What is the probability?
A box contains five cards lettered A, A, B, C, D. If 1 card is selected at random and NOT replaced, what is the probability of choosing an A and then a C?
The arrow of each spinner is spun once. What is the probability the arrows will land on a section labeled "1" and a section labeled "g"?
What is the probability that Lawrence will randomly select an orange tile, not replace it, then randomly select a blue tile?
What is the lower quartile of the data?
What is the range of the box plot?
Compare the percentage of students that made $8.50 or more.
25% more 12th graders made more than $8.50 than 11th graders.
Using the median as the measure, which is closest to the difference in the heights between the potted tomatoes and the garden tomatoes.
List the 5 numbers you would need to make a box plot of this data.
Min = 75, LQ = 89, Median = 101, UQ = 111, Max = 125
Does the scatterplot have a positive, negative, or no correlation?
What is the best estimate of a final exam score for a student who had a quiz average of 85?
Anything between 65 and 75