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Getting away

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's scuba diving?
Swimming underwater with a mask and oxygen.
What's a tourist attraction?
A popular place for tourists (museum, gallery, entertainment centre).
Antonym to "stressful"
Antonym to "awful"
What's a castle?
A protected building where kings/queens/ princes/ princesses or rich people lived.
The place at the airport where people can wait for their flight after they have checked in and gone through passport control.
departure lounge
An organisation which can offer you a variety of activities.
adventure centre
What do we call staff on the plane?
cabin crew
What do we call special opportunities in a hotel (spa, gym, tennis/basketball court, golf course)t in one word?
What's the capital?
It's the main city in the country, where the contry government is.
This is where you show your documents to prove identity at the airport.
passport control
What's a business district?
A part of a city where companies and organizations have their offices.
What's a church?
The place where people pray.
What's a helmet?
It's equipment that protects your head from injuries.
Where do you put your hand luggage?
In the overhead locker.
To get on a plane you need a passport, a ticket and a ...
boarding card
What do we call a hotel/ hostel/ bed and breakfast in one word?
Synonym to "attractive"
Synonym to "exciting"
Synonym to "perfect"
Synonym to "relaxed"
tranquil, laid-back
Antonym to "boring"
Antonym to "unknown"
Antonym to "bustling"