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Map Skills (Scale and Compass)
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the purpose of a map scale?
To show how much distance on the map represents on land
You measured this map scale as 2 cm. What does this mean?
Every 2 cm on the map represents 250 km in distance on land
What does population mean?
The number of species in a specific area
If you travel 10 cm on a map and each cm represents 2 km in real life how many km did you travel?
20 Miles
What part of the map is the arrow pointing to?
map scale
If every 1 cm on a map represents 50 km and you travel 3 cm on the map how many km do you travel in real life?
150 km
To get from Florida to Tennessee, what direction must you travel?
What is the relative direction you would travel in if you leave Ohio and go to Florida?
What is the relative direction you would travel in if you leave Ohio and go to California
If there are 6 cm between Columbus and Dayton and each cm on the map is 100 km in real life how many km would you need to travel?
600 km
Look at the map below. People traveling from Dallas to Houston must travel what direction
South or South East
What type of directions are Northwest, Southwest, Southeast and Northeast?
If 1 cm is 100 km, how far is 1 and 1/2 cm?
150 km
Map symbols are used to identify?
real objects
If 1 cm is 100 km, how far is 3 cm?
300 km