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Getting ready

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Eduardo________ for such a long time when he met his best friend. a- has been riding b- is riding c- had been riding
had been riding
Not only does Mateus study English _______ studies Spanish. a- but does he b- and he also c- but he also
but he also
Luiz would accept to play, ________________a- only if he can win b- but if he wins c- only if he could win
only if he could win
Seldom __________ a politician say ‘sorry’. a- one hear b- one hears c- does one hear
does one hear
Here ________ the bus! a- it comes b- comes c- come
Never ______ witnessed such cruel behaviour by one child to another. a- have we b- we have c- did we have
have we
I usually _____ my hair _____ at Luigi's.a- have did b- have do c- have done
have done
Jake _____ his groceries ______ two hours ago . a- had delivered b- will have delivered c- will deliverd
had delivered
My boss let me _______ early. a- leave b- left c- to leave
The teacher made us ______ very hard. a-to study b- study c- studying
David's mother let him________her car. a- uses b- use c- using