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Read and Find the Suffixes

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ivan was extremely helpful when we were putting the baby to bed.
Ivan was extremely helpful when we were putting the baby to bed.
Kelly unwisely left late to go to school.
Kelly unwisely left late to go to school.
Alex sat on the basketball bench while secretly wishing to be taller.
Alex sat on the basketball bench while secretly wishing to be taller.
It will take ninety minutes to travel there by bus.
It will take ninety minutes to travel there by bus.
I would love a glass of water to go with these crispy chips!
I would love a glass of water to go with these crispy chips!
It is unlikely that we will finish this game.
It is unlikely that we will finish this game.
Jake politely asked for a few more minutes to finish his snack.
Jake politely asked for a few more minutes to finish his snack.
Who is the publisher of this fantastic book?
Who is the publisher of this fantastic book?
Mr. Stone has finally come back to school after a long illness.
Mr. Stone has finally come back to school after a long illness.
Mandy wore her new fuzzy socks to school.
Mandy wore her new fuzzy socks to school.
Steve acted impolite and childish.
Steve acted impolite and childish. Suffixes are -ed and -ish
Pete frequently finishes the job last.
Pete frequently finishes the job last. Suffixes are -ly and -es
The benches are cold and damp.
The benches are cold and damp. Suffix is -es
Get that plateful of ham sandwiches and the soda drinks.
Get that plateful of ham sandwiches and the soda drinks. Suffixes are -ful, -es, and -s
There are sixty students in grade seven but it is the smallest class.
There are sixty students in grade seven but it is the smallest class. Suffixes are -ty, -s and -est.
This old thing is useless!
This old thing is useless! Suffix is -less
That melody is quite impressive!
That melody is quite impressive! Suffix is -ive
Rosa was thankful for Mrs. Chang's dependable help.
Rosa was thankful for Mrs. Chang's dependable help. Suffixes are -ful and -able
I will not go on the wildest amusement ride.
I will not go on the wildest amusement ride. Suffixes are -est, -ment
Joseph plans to be the fastest athlete.
Joseph plans to be the fastest athlete. Suffixes are -est, -s
Brenda is the strongest girl in the class.
Brenda is the strongest girl in the class. Suffix is -est
Pete acted childish when he did not win the contest.
Pete acted childish when he did not win the contest. Suffixes are -ed and -ish
We will stop here for rest and refreshments.
We will stop here for rest and refreshments. Suffix is -s
I will chop a handful of bananas for the cupcakes.
I will chop a handful of bananas for the cupcakes. Suffixes are -ful, -s, -s
Peg secretly wishes for a valentine from Jim.
Peg secretly wishes for a valentine from Jim. Suffixes are -ly, -es
The singer suddenly did not wish to compete.
The singer suddenly did not wish to compete. Suffix is -ly
That amusement park has the longest slide in the state.
That amusement park has the longest slide in the state. Suffixes are -ment, -est
Bill tells jokes for our amusement.
Bill tells jokes for our amusement. Suffixes are -s, -ment
Jane is a dependable student.
Jane is a dependable student. Suffix is -able
Wendy had the strongest hopes to win the contest.
Wendy had the strongest hopes to win the contest. Suffixes are -est, -s