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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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“Remove these photos by tomorrow,” Mr Green told Ava. (Mr Green ordered Ava...)
Mr Green ordered Ava to remove those photos by the following day
“Can I ask another question?” Emily wanted to know.
Emily wanted to know if she could ask another question
What were you speaking to the manager about?” Jack asked me.
Jack asked me what I was speaking to the manager about.
“I’ll help you learn the ropes,” Mike said to me.
Mike said to me that he would help me learn the ropes
“You must stay here and serve the customers,” said my employer. (The employer ordered...)
The employer ordered to stay there and serve the customers
Tom said that he … quit his job.
was going to
is going to
Alex asked if … the right decision.
he had made
had he made
he made
Mia suggested … for a job in marketing.
to look
I will look
Luke asked how much … for a cup of coffee.
they charged
do they charge
did they charge
My friends told me … yet.
not to come in
to not come in
don’t come in
Check the mistake. I asked her where was the train station.
I asked her where the train station was
Check the mistake. Alexandra told me that she is enjoying her holiday.
Alexandra told me that she was enjoying her holiday.
Check the mistake. My sister promised that she won’t do that again.
My sister promised that she wouldn't do that again.
+ What's your career plan? / - There isn't a lot of ...
room for advancement
in high demand
Your English teacher favourite expression
por lo que sea
te lo juro
de repente
The first thing your English teacher wants to buy when she wins the lottery
A van
A trip around the world
A flat in the city centre
An apartment in Corralejo