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TLC Irregular verbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_________ a dog. (procurer)
get, got, got
________ I was flying. (rêver)
dream, dreamt, dreamt
_______ a new person. (rencontrer)
meet, met, met
_______ the house. (partir-laisser)
leave, left, left
_______ sad. (sentir - sense)
feel, felt, felt
_______ at night. (dormir)
sleep, slept, slept
________ a secret. (garder)
keep, kept, kept
_______ down, please. (asseoir)
sit, sat, sat
________ the candle. (allumer)
light, lit, lit
_______ my keys. (perdre)
lose, lost, lost
______ the flowers. (sentir - nez)
smell, smelt, smelt
_______ English. (apprendre)
learn, learnt, learnt
_______ the toast. (brûler)
burn, burnt, burnt
_______ a house. (construire)
build, built, built
________ money on (dépenser)
spend, spent, spent
______ a letter. (envoyer)
send, sent, sent
______ me a hand. (preter)
lend, lent, lent
_____ the door. (fermer)
shut, shut, shut
______ on your sunglasses. (mettre)
put, put, put (mettre)
_______ your foot. (faire mal)
hurt, hurt, hurt
_______ the ball. (taper)
hit, hit, hit
_____ me in! (laisser)
let, let, let
______ my hair. (couper)
cut, cut, cut
_______ 5$ (couter)
cost, cost, cost