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And Then There Were None - Ch 1-5 (Intro to Char ...

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What is in the middle of the diningroom table? What do we know about this object?
A centerpiece that has 10 little glass Indian figures.
How does death #1 match the poem? What is the line in the poem that proves your statement? (ch 2)
10 little soldiers went out to dine, one choked his little self and then there were 9.
Who was the first character to die? How did he/she die?
Anthony Marston - choked on his drink
This character can be described as old, cold, prim & proper. He/she was blamed for the death of a young woman named Beatrice Taylor. This character claims she has not done anything wrong. Who is it?
Emily Brent
This person was accused of killing a patient that he operated on named Louisa Cleese. Who was it?
Dr. Armstrong
This character is a detective who is blamed for locking up a man named Landon, who was believed to have robbed a bank. The man died in jail. Who is the character?
Detective Blore
These 2 characters were blamed for killing an elderly lady, Miss Brady. She died while in their care.
Mr. & Mrs. Rogers
This person was accused of killing 2 kids, John & Lucy Combs. This character recalls that he/she may have run them over one day and was annoyed that he/she had their license suspended for a year. Claims it was an accident. Who was this?
Anthony Marston
This character was a general in the war. He sent one of his men (Arthur Richmond), into war and he died. Which character is this?
General MacArthur
This character had cared for a little boy named Cyril who drowned while in her care. Which character?
Vera Claythorne
This character was accused of killing Mr. Edward Seton by secretly convincing a jury to convict him. Seton was sentenced to death.. Which character?
Justice (Judge) Wargrave
Who turned on the record player and why?
Mr. Rogers did. He said it was in the written directions left for him by Mr. Owen to play the record for the guests.
What did the voice on the recording say?
It said each of the guests was to blame for someone's death in the past. It stated their name and who they are accused of killing.
Two characters were on the island when the other 8 arrived. Who were they?
Mr. & Mrs. Rogers
Who invited the characters to the island? How do the characters know this person?
Mr. Owen - noboby can exactly recall how they know this person
What is the name of the island where the story takes place?
Soldier Island - an isolated island off the coast of Devon (southern England)
How many people are on the island?