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E503_U1_G1_Simultaneous and Sequential Past Acti ...

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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verb: strike (past continuous, past perfect continuous)
PC: was/were striking; PPC: had been striking
verb: tear (simple past, past perfect)
SP: tore; PP: had torn
verb: lose (past continuous, past perfect continuous)
PC: was/were losing; PPC: had been losing
verb: forget (simple past, past perfect)
SP: forgot; PP: had forgotten
verb: throw (past continuous, past perfect continous)
PC: was/were throwing; PFC: had been throwing
verb: want (simple past, past perfect)
SP: wanted; PP: had wanted
When (the package / arrive), (they . expect) it for three weeks.
the package arrived; they had been expecting
(Nancy / be) engaged to someone else when (she / met) Jonathan.
Nancy had been engaged / Nancy was; she met
(They / send) several messages to the company before (they / recieve) a response.
They (had) sent; they received
Mr. Green (wait) for a phone call all morning when someone knocked on the door.
had been waiting
had waited
was waiting
By the time I (find) the news, everyone had heard about it.
had found
had been finding
was finding
Marian (decide) to take action when she got tired of waiting.
was deciding
had been deciding
He (take) a nap while the burglar was searching his house.
was taking
had taken
had been taking
It (rain) for two weeks when the sun finally came out.
had been raining
had rained
was raining
(Jane / help) the people for thriteen years before (she / decide) to retire.
Jane had been helping; she decided
(Emily / study) engineering while (her husband / give) orders for her to carry out.
Emily was studying; her husband was giving
(John / die) before his son (Washington / take over) as chief engineer.
John (had) died; Washiongton took over
(Mr. Roebling / try) to convince people for a long time before (the project / become) a reality.
Mr. Roebling had been trying; the project became
(Sara / see already) the movie, so (she / not want) to go with us.
Sara had already seen/She already saw; she didn't want
(We / study) marine biology for two years when (we / finish) our degree.
We had been studying; we finished
(Leo / stop) to look at the shoes in the windows when (his friends / arrive).
Leo had stopped; his friends arrived
Before (I / realize) it, (I / learn) to speak English pretty well.
I realized; I (had) learned
(They / talk) on the phone for 30 minutes when (I / get) home.
They had been talking; I got
(I / walk) to school while (it / rain).
I was walking; I was raining
(1st: Dianne stopped driving.) (2nd: She texted her boyfriend.)
Dianne had stopped diriving when/before she texted her boyfriend.
(1st: The filming finished.) (2nd: The bus arrived.)
The filming had finished when/before the bus arrived.
(1st: Lisa thought of buying the sweater for hours.) (2nd: Someone bought it.)
Lisa had been thinking of buying the jacket when/before someone bought it.
My friend (see) Lila Downs in concert, so we decided not to go.
had already seen
had already been seeing
The women's tennis team (practice) on a grass court four times before today's event started.
had practiced
had been practicing
The audience (stand) in line for hours to buy tickets when they canceled the concert.
had been standing
had stood
The house was completely dark when I got home because the family (go) to bed.
had gone
had been going
My brother (win) the swim meet when the diving competition began.
had already won
had already been winning