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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I can use a keyboard to...
write letters and numbers
I can use a printer to
print photos
I can use a mouse to ...
move a small arrow
I can use a monitor to ...
see photos
I can use a microphone to
talk to friends
I can use a speaker to...
play music
I can use a computer to ...
draw/work/play computer games
This message is so adorable! I'd like to _______ it to my friend.
Do you know how to ______ an app to your computer?
I've changed a lot. I need to ______ my profile on a social network.
to surf the Web
to look at a series of websites
to enter a password
to write a special word
to upload
to transfer sth to a website
to download
to copy data from one computer system to another
to delete
to erase, to remove sth
to connect to
to join to the network
I don't like this photo. Let's _______ it.
It's easy! Here you can ________ your comment. And then ________ it.
enter, post
post, enter
surf, post
post, surf
I ___________ an old photo. I want to upload it onto the Internet.
am scanning
an printing
am surfing
am deleting
I ____________ a video to Youtube.
am uploading
is uploading
am downloading
is downloading
She _________ a contact from her phone.
is deleting
is downloading
are deleting
are downloading
We _________ a comment on Facebook.
are posting
is posting
are printing
is printing
My laptop __________ to Wi-Fi this morning.
isn't connecting
isn't downloading
isn't surfing
isn't uploading