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Leonardo da Vinci

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What is the Italian name for the Mona Lisa?
La Gioconda
Why was the Mona Lisa removed from the Louvre in 1939
To protect it from damage or theft during WWII.
On what surface did Da Vinci paint the Mona Lisa
Cotton wood panel
What is the name of the technique used by Leonardo for painting the Mona Lisa
Sfumato technique
In what year was the Mona Lisa stolen?
What is the name of the thief that stole the Mona Lisa from the Louvre?
Vincenzo Peruggia
Was Leonardo just a painter?
No, he was also an inventor, and architect, an engineer and a medical doctor....
What was the name of the period where Leonardo and others artists lived?
In which year did he become a master craftsman at the service of the Duke of Milan?
What is the name of the village Leonardo was he from?
What was the name of his teacher?
Andrea del Verrocchio
Who did he work for in Florence?
Medici family
What age was Leonardo when Verrocchio asked him to paint one of the angels in 'The Baptism of Christ'?
Around 20 years old
Name 3 of Leonardo's inventions
Glider, helicopter, tank, flying machine...
What is Leonardo's most famous painting?
Mona Lisa
Where is the Mona Lisa hanging now?
The Louvre in Paris
What age was he when he bacame an apprentice for Andrea del Verrocchio in Florence?
Where did Leonardo get his name, da Vinci, from?
The town where he was from
When did da Vinci move to Milan?
How many bodies did da Vinci dissect?
Around 30
What date did Leonardo da Vinci die?
2nd May, 1519
What was the name of the first family from Florence he worked for?
Where did he move in 1482?
He moved to Milan
When did Leonardo move to France?
He moved in 1516
What date was Leonardo da Vinci born?
On April 15th, 1452.
Around when did da Vinci begin to work on the Mona Lisa?
The early 1500's, 1507 ca.
In what year did he complete "The Last Supper" in Milan?
Where was Mona Lisa sitting when her portrait was being painted?
On a chair