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When Barbie broke up with Ken, she a had a new boyfriend. What was his name?
Blaine Gordon
Name 1 of the many Barbie doll controversies.
1963: Barbie was sold with a book called, "How to Lose Weight." 1992: talking Barbie said "Math is tough!"
What's the name of Barbie's famous eyes appearance?
the side-eye
Barbie is not from state of California! She's from the state of.....
What's Barbie's (the doll) complete name?
Barbara Millicent Roberts
What year did the first Barbie doll wear pants?
What year was the first Barbie doll with a belly button created?
What's Ken's (the doll) complete name?
Kenneth Carson
What's Barbies favorite color?
What is the name of Barbie's first little sister?
What company sells the Barbie doll?