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Acids, Bases, and Salts

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Metals form oxides that are solids. If they dissolve in water, these oxides give _______ solutions.
Non-metals generally form _______ oxides that dissolve in water to form _______ solutions.
What kind of acid is in the atmosphere of Venus?
sulphuric acid (due to volcanic activity)
What adjective is the opposite of "dilute"?
What adjective is the opposite of "concentrated"?
What is an OH- ion called?
a hydroxide ion
What does "pH" actually stand for, anyway?!?!
The German "potenz H(ydrogen)", which means the power of the hydrogen-ion concentration.
What acid is present in vinegar?
acetic acid (ethanoic acid)
A substance contains an excess of OH- ions. What is its pH?
It is alkaline, so it is higher than 7.
A substance contains an excess of H+ ions. What is its pH?
It is acidic, so it is lower than 7.
Which acid is present in orange juice?
citric acid
Alkalis have a pH _________ than __.
greater than 7
The more acidic the solution, the ______ the pH.
Acids have a pH of _____ than __.
less than 7
What is the most accurate method to measure pH?
Use a pH meter which uses an electrode to measure pH electrically.
Universal Indicator is green in the presence of a substance. What does this indicate?
The substance is neutral.
A substance turns the Universal Indicator bright red. What does this "indicate"?
It is very acidic.
Alkalis turn litmus paper ______.
Acids turn litmus paper _____.
How can we use litmus paper to test the pH of gases?
The litmus paper must be damp.
Name a pH indicator other than litmus or Universal Indicator.
methyl orange or phenolphthalein (also hydrangea flowers, turmeric, and anthocyanins)
What adjective means "can eat through material"