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HMH M7 review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the nouns in this sentence? : The big dog ran to the park.
Dog and Park
Shades of meaning: _____ ,tiny,little,small Which word belongs in the blank? A. Puny B. huge C. big
A. Puny
During recess I helped everyone get in line very fas. My teacher said I am so HELPFUL. What does the word painless mean? A. Full of help B. No help C.Silly
A. Full of help
I went to the doctors and they gave me a shot. The shot felt PAINLESS! What does the word painless mean? A. Very painful B. Hurt a lot. C. Without any pain
C. Without pain
I am happy to be in school. Which word from the sentence tells how the author feels? A. School B. happy C.be
B. Happy
Shades of meaning: smile, grin, giggle,__________. Which word belongs in the blank? A. Think B. Laugh C. cry
B. Laugh
Which sentence states an opinion. A) Skateboards have 4 small wheels B)A skateboard is better than a bike. C) Adult bikes have 2 big wheels
B) A skateboard is better than a bike.
Which sentence states an opinion. A) I think penguins are the cutest animal in the world. B) Penguins live in hot and cold places. C) Penguins eat fish
A) I think penguins are the cutest animal in the world.
Julio tried to cross the street, but there was too many cars coming, so he decided it wasn't safe. Is the text being told in 1st person or 3rd person?
3rd person
I'm not sure if Kelly is mad at me. I saw her by the library and she didn't say hi. Is the text being told in 1st person or 3rd person?
1st person
The name on my mailbox says " Porter" That is my last name. I have lived in this house for 25 years! the jones family lives next door. They are the best neighbors. Who is NARRATING the story? A. Narrator B. The neighbors C. Mr.Porter
C. Mr.Porter
"Robert! Stop jumping-roping and come inside for dinner!" Mama yelled. I did not want to stop jumping but I was getting hungry. " What are we having for dinner?" I asked. Who is NARRATING the story? A. Mama. B. Robert C. A rabbit
This morning I drove my bus to my stop like i normally do. At the last stop, a girl wanted to get on the bus with her pet pig. No way! Pets are not allowed on my bus! Who is NARRATING the story? A. The girl. B. Narrator C. The bus driver
The bus driver
What is the verb in this sentence? : The big dog ran to the park.
What is the adjective in this sentence? : The big dog ran to the park.