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English 8- the second term
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can I borrow one of her books? (hers)
Can I borrow a book of hers.
Hanh detests using plastic bags when going shopping. (never)
Hanh never uses plastic bags when going shopping.
Nam said “I go to this club today.” (that day)
Nam said that he went to that club that day
My father came home last night. My mother was cooking dinner. (when)
My mother was cooking dinner when my father came home last night.
They _________ football on TV at 10 p.m yesterday. A. was watching B. were watched C. were watching D. are watching
were watching
. __________ they arrive, we’ll have dinner. A. While B. However C. Until D. As soon as
D. As soon as
. I will fly to Switzerland to study abroad ________ the end of this year, my first semester starts ______ January next year. A. for/in B. at/in C. at/by D. at/on
B. at/in
Some people prefer to send ___________ messages rather than text messages because it’s quicker and more personal. A. spoken B. oral C. voice D. talk
C. voice
Nick: Great news for us. Our school will have a canteen behind the gym. Mi: ___________ A. Sorry to hear that B. Sorry for interrupting, but C. Yes, please. D. Great
B. Sorry for interrupting, but