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Modal verbs 2nd ESO
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It’s my obligation to study for the science test.
I must study for the science test
_____________ I go to the toilet, please?
She ______________ play the guitar when she was five. Now, she can
My mum says I ____________ go with you. She lets me go
It’s not a good idea to use your tablet before going to bed.
You shouldn’t use your tablet before going to bed.
You are not allowed to eat in class.
You mustn’t eat in class
John is not at home. I’ve seen him
He can’t be at home
It isn’t possible for us to cheat during the test.
We can’t/ mustn’t cheat during the test.
It isn’t possible to speak on phone during the lesson ( we)
We can’t/ mustn’t speak on hoe during the lesson.
It is her obligation to cook for her mum.
She  must cook for her mum.
This dress doesn’t suit you. It is better not to wear it. (You)
This dress doesn’t suit you. You shouldn’t wear it.
It is his obligation to return the book to the library.
He must return the book to the library.
It is better for you to stay at home. You look sick.
You should stay at home. You look sick.
It’s your obligation to pay bills at the end of month.
You must pay bills at the end of month.
He is not allowed to drink caffeine to cure this illness.
He can’t/ mustn’t drink caffeine to cure this illness.
They are allowed to eat sweets.
They can eat sweets.
You are not allowed to drink alcohol.
You can’t/ mustn’t drink alcohol.
It’s necessary to turn your phone off.
You must turn your phone off.