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The Outsiders Vocab chapter 7-9 exercises

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The way we dress and act like others shows us how much (falter, leery, grimace, conformity, agony) we live with.
John made a (falter, leery, grimace, conformity, agony) when he felt the needle go into his skin.
Even experienced speakers can sometimes (falter, leery, grimace, conformity, agony) when they are nervous about speaking.
Getting wounded in battle might feel like (falter, leery, grimace, conformity, agony).
I was (falter, leery, grimace, conformity, agony) about the person I did not know because he looked dangerous.
The woman stared (mimic, contemptuously, aghast, exploits, divert) at the man because she knew that he everything he said was a lie.
Have you heard about the many (mimic, contemptuously, aghast, exploits, divert) of Alexander the Great in battle?
The boy was ashamed because the teacher saw him (mimic, contemptuously, aghast, exploits, divert) the teacher when he thought the teacher was not looking.
Drivers should not let their phones (mimic, contemptuously, aghast, exploits, divert) their attention while driving.
When I saw the bloody clown face and heard it scream, I was quickly (mimic, contemptuously, aghast, exploits, divert).