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S3 The Maze Runner

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__________ talked to Thomas telepathically in her sleep.
______ his trash into a ball, Newt turned and looked straight at Thomas. A. straining B. crumpling C. planting
B. crumpling
"I nominated this _________ to replace me as the Keeper of the Runners." A. shuck B. shunk C. shank
C. shank
The tension was _____________. Everyone could see that these guys disliked each other. A. serious B. evasive C. palpable
C. palpable
After threatening Minho and Thomas, Gally's face was red with _________. A. struggling B. banishment C. rage
C. rage
Chuck was __________ his own hands. A. thrashing B. wringing C. dismissing
B. wringing
During the short time at the Maze, Thomas had been through the whole ________ of emotions. A. gamut B. disguise C. overboard
A. gamut
"Thomas wasn't trying to be funny. He was just dumbfounded that the whole thing could even be an issue." What does "dumbfounded" mean?
astonished, surprised
These monsters are ____________. A. nip B. vicious C. stupor
B. vicious
The shriek cut off sharply instead of fading as the Griever ____________ to the depths beyond. A. prevented B. huddled C. plummeted
C. plummeted
"What if another Griever got Alby after I __________ the one chasing me?" A. diverted B. faltered C. washed
A. diverted
Thomas _____________ the thick vine from Alby's chest. A. prevented B. unraveled C. shuffled
B. unraveled