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What do you know about fossil fuels?

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Does burning fossil fuels cause climate change?
Roughly how many years does it take to form fossil fuels? Hundreds, thousands or millions
What is the difference between renewable and non renewable energy sources?
Non renewables will run out faster than they are replaced. Renewables will not run out
What are oil and gas made from?
Dead animals (that have been squashed and heated over millions of years)
What is made from?
Dead plants (that have been squashed and heated over millions of years)
Name one form of pollution that burning fossil fuels can cause
Carbon dioxide (sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, soot)
What is the greenhouse effect?
The trapping of heat by a layer of greenhouse gases
Name a greenhouse gas
Carbon dioxide, methane, water vapour, nitrogen oxides, CFCs
What do humans use fossil fuels for? (Think of 2 things)
Making electricity, fuel for transport, making products from oil e.g. plastic, heating...
What is being extracted here?
Oil (gas is also extracted on rigs similar to this)
What is being mined here?
What are the three fossil fuels?
Coal, Oil and Gas