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Frog & Toad are Friends - Ch 4 "The Swim"

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Tell 1 thing frogs and toads have that are different from each other.
Frogs - slimy skin, prefer hopping, live near water / Toads - bumpy skin, prefer walking, live on land
Tell 1 thing frogs and toads have in common.
They are amphibians. They hop. They croak. They have 4 legs.
How did Toad feel at the end of the chapter? Why?
Angry, upset, mad, unhappy - Everyone, even Frog, laughed at him
If your friend was nervous about wearing something in public, what would you do to help them?
comfort them, tell them it looked good
Do you like how this chapter ended? Why or why not?
answers vary
Frog and Toad are good friends. Do you think Frog should laugh at Toad's bathing suit? Why or why not?
No, good friends wouldn't make a friend feel bad.
What did everyone do when they saw Toad's bathing suit? Why?
They laughed because they thought it was funny.
Tell 3 animals that came to see Toad's bathing suit.
Turtle, lizards, mouse, dragon flies and a snake
When Toad told the other animals to go away, why did they stay?
They wanted to see Toad's bathing suit.
Why doesn't Toad want to be seen in his bathing suit?
He says he looks funny in it.
Who did not want to be seen in his bathing suit?