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Frog & Toad are Friends - Ch 3 "A Lost Button"
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Why did Toad give Frog a button covered jacket at the end of the story?
He realized all the trouble he had caused Frog that day and thought it would be a nice thing to do for Frog.
Toad did something nice for Frog with all the buttons they found. What was it?
He sewed all the buttons on his jacket and gave it to Frog.
Where did Toad find his button?
In his house on the floor
Where did Toad put all the buttons that he found in the meadow?
in his pocket
Frog found a button that was thin. But this was not Toad's button because his button was ___.
Racoon found a button that was square. Why wasn't this Toad's button?
His button was round.
Frog found a small button, but it was not Toad's. Toad's button was ___.
Sparrow found a button that had 2 holes. This was not Toad's button because Toad's button had ____ holes.
Frog found a button but it was not the right one. It was a black button and Toad's button was ____. (What color?)
What did Toad lose in the story?
His button
Where did this story take place? (at the zoo, in a meadow or in Toad's house)
in a meadow