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Frog and Toad are Friends - Ch 2 "The Story"

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why do you think Frog suddenly wasn't feeling well?
He banged his head on the wall. That probably hurt his head.
Frog did some silly things to help him think of a story. What else could he have done that would be a better idea?
Look for a story book, make up a story about anything, tell a story about an object in the room
Where did this story take place?
In Toad's house
When you're not feeling well, what is something somebody does to help you feel better?
answers vary
What is one of your favorite stories to hear when you're not feeling well?
answers vary
When frog finished telling the story, what happened to Toad?
He fell asleep.
What story did Frog end up telling Toad?
The story of what just happened to Toad.
Things changed when Toad did not feel well. What did Frog do for his friend Toad?
Got out of bed to let Toad lay down and told him a story
What was 1 thing Toad did to try to think of a story?
walked on the porch, stood on his head, poured water on his head, banged his head on the wall
Toad had a problem in the story. What was it?
He could not think of a story to tell Frog.
Frog was not feeling well, so he asked his friend Toad to ___.
tell him a story