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Superlatives and Comparatives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Canva is __________________ design app available today.
the most creative
a less creative
least known
more popular
Shazam is ___________________ effective as a hero than Black Adam.
Shohei Otani hits __________________ any other player in the MLB.
the ball harder than
the ball more
homeruns more than
the least strikes
Caitlin Clark is _____________ ranking female college basketball player in the U.S.
the highest
least known
The Brazilian national team has won ___ World Cup titles.
the most
more than
Doctor Strange has ______ powers in the Marvel universe.
the strangest
stranger than
Thor's hammer is _____ Captain America's shield.
heavier than
the heaviest
Sonic the Hedgehog runs ______ Crash Bandicoot.
faster than
the fastest
Captain Marvel is _____ Wonder Woman.
stronger than
the strongest
Groot is ____ Guardian of the Galaxy.
the tallest
taller than
Scarlet Witch is _____ Doctor Strange.
more magical than
the most magical
Black Widow is _____ Hawkeye.
faster than
the fastest
Hulk is _____ Avenger.
the strongest
stronger than
Spider-Man is the _____ superhero in the Marvel universe.
the coolest
cooler than