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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What two characteristics make a fossil an index fossil?
existed for a short time; existed in a widespread area
Push, Pull, Gravity, Friction - Which is a non-contact force?
On your whiteboard, draw a time-distance graph that fits the following scenario: I sprinted to 2nd period, but then I tripped and fell. I picked myself back up and sprinted again.
increase - flat or lower slope - increase in slope
What structure that is causing the Atlantic ocean to grow was discovered by Harry Hess during World War II?
mid ocean ridge
Alfred Wegner developed the idea of Continental drift based on three types of evidence.  Name two of them.
Landform evidence (puzzle pieces); climate evidence; fossil evidence
In which layer of earth are there convection currents?
mantle (aesthenosphere)
What is the magnitude of letter E?
300 N
With your team, come up with a short story that represents the slope of this distance-time graph.
constant speed - rest - constant speed
Draw and label a free-body diagram that would accelerate to the right. (vectors!!!)
(vector needs to indicate acceleration to the right)
Give an advantage of Asexual and Sexual Reproduction.
Asexual = faster;  Sexual = allows for genetic variation
Which type of force causes tension?  Which type of force causes compression?
tension - divergent;  compression - convergent
Explain 2 differences between Mitosis and Meiosis.
Mitosis = identifical offspring, body cell division, 2 cells produced;  Meiosis = sex cell division, nonidentical offspring; 4 cells produced
What do we call the force that surfaces exert to prevent solid objects from passing through each other?
Normal force
Which force breaks or wears away the Earth?
What are the genotypes for male and female
male = XY; female = XX
Explain a difference between a P and S Wave.
P Waves = faster, can go through any layer, longitudinal wave. S Waves = slower, can only go through solids, transverse wave.
S is the Focus of the earthquake and N is the epicenter. X and Z are seismograph stations. Which of the following sets of seismogram readings are correct for the picture?
Which line could travel to Earth's core? What kind of wave is this?
Line B / P-Wave
What happens when continental crust and oceanic crust converge? What is it called?
Oceanic crust is pushed down; Subduction
Refer to the pedigree. How could person ll-2 and ll-3 have a baby with the hemophilia trait when neither of them show the trait
They are carriers of the hemophilia trait (heterozygous)
This pedigree represents the inheritance of hemophilia in this family. How many of the females have the hemophilia trait?
How are individuals I-2 and III-5 related?
grandma and grandson
On a pedigree chart, which symbols represent a male and female?
Square = male;  Circle = Female
What phenotype of the offspring have brown hair? Blonde hair?  (A-Brown hair; a-blond hair)
75% Brown Hair and 25% Blonde Hair
The Rocky Mountains are high and jagged. The Appalachian Mountains are lower and rounded. What can you infer about their ages?
Appalachian Mountains (been around longer to be weathered).
What did Charles Darwin call the idea that organisms with helpful traits will survive long enough to reproduce and pass on those traits?
Natural Selection
List the layers of the Earth in order from the outside in.
crust - mantle - outer core - inner core
What do we call all of the evidence of living things that is stored inside the Earth?
fossil record