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Consumer Math SOL Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Nessa takes her friends out to lunch and the total cost of the meal is $88.71. The restaurant then added a 20% tip to the cost of the meal. Not including the sales or meals tax, what was the total cost of the lunch with the tip?
A store sells potatoes in 5-pound bags for $2.29. What is the price per pound?
Marcy deposits $320 in an account that earns 3.5% simple interest per year. What is the balance in the account after 4 years?
Look at Amy's checkbook registry. What is the final balance of her checkbook registry?
Hoodies at Old Navy are sold at a 30% markup during the month of September. If the original price of a hoodie is $23.00, what is the amount of the markup?
In January, the price of a dozen eggs at a grocery store was $0.89. By June, the price had increased to $0.99. What was the percent of increase in the price, to the nearest tenth of a percent?
Max bought a new pair of basketball shoes that were on sale for 25% off. If the regular price of the shoes was $75.95, what is the amount of discount?
A pair of jeans at a local retail store has a cost of $32.00. If the sales tax is 5.3%, what is the total amount paid for the jeans?
Jane took out a loan for $10,000. The loan officer set the interest rate at 4.5% for 4 years. How much interest will Jane have to pay?
Sadie was buying pizza for a family reunion. She bought 16 pizzas. Each pizzas cost $8.75, including tax. Of the pizzas bought 3/4 are cheese. What was the total cost of only the cheese pizza? Round to the nearest whole dollar