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Common R Sentences

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There is a bench at the park.
I ate chocolate for lunch.
Check under your chair for a surprise.
The sun is burning hot.
The chicken ran from the cheetah.
The zoo has gorillas and zebras.
Can we play a game tomorrow?
use a good R sound
I had thirteen dollars to spend at the book fair.
use a good R sound
I can't see the board from here.
use a good R sound
I didn't do my homework.
use a good R sound
I am tired, I woke up early.
use a good R sound
There are too many stairs.
use a good R sound
Can we ride on the elevator?
use a good R sound
We have a field trip on Friday.
use a good R sound
He threw the dice on the floor.
use a good R sound
Where is my marker?
use a good R sound
My chair is hard.
use a good R sound
The tooth fairy left me five dollars.
use a good R sound
Her dog was growling in car line.
use a good R sound
I can't remember.
use a good R sound
The cafeteria had ice cream today.
use a good R sound
I forgot my water bottle.
use a good R sound
My teacher sent us early.
use a good R sound
Where were you?
use a good R sound
It was my birthday on Saturday.
use a good R sound
She went first on Thursday.
use a good R sound
They live in my neighborhood.
use a good R sound
Were you here yesterday?
use a good R sound
My brother and sister are home.
use a good R
It is your turn.
use a good R sound