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Nervous system

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the difference between a reflex and reaction?
reflex is involuntary, automatic/ reaction is voluntary, on purpose
What is the purpose of the "fight or flight" response?
Gets the body ready to run from or fight off danger
Which is responsible for "rest and digest" response, sympathetic or parasympathetic?
which is responsible for "fight or flight" response, sympathetic or parasympathetic?
The somatic nervous system is responsible for involuntary movement.
The autonomic nervous system is responsible for involuntary movement.
Which lobe of the brain is responsible for problem-solving?
Which lobe of the brain is responsible for vision?
What part of the brain is white?
brain stem
What part of the brain is yellow?
What part of the brain is purple?
temporal lobe
What part of the brain is red?
occipital lobe
What part of the brain is green?
parietal lobe
What part of the brain is dark blue?
somatosensory cortex
What part of the brain is light blue?
motor cortex
What part of the brain is orange?
Frontal Lobe
What is a synapse?
The space between 2 never cells where information is exchanged.
What is the function of a dendrite?
Pulls information in from the nerves/senses and sends it to the brain
What is the function of an axon?
Sends information from brain to nerves
What is a neuron?
nerve cell
What is the letter e?
myelin sheath
What is the letter h?
What is the letter d?
What is the letter c?
What is the letter b?
cell body
What is the letter a?
What organ(s) make(s) up the central nervous system?
Brain and spinal cord
What are the 2 main categories of the nervous system?
Central and peripheral
What organs of nervous system are in this picture?
brain and spinal cord and some nerves
The brain _________ almost all of the activities of the body.
Name 2 examples of sensing
Taste the cake, touch the ice....
Name 2 examples of memorising
learning the vocabulary, learning the lyrics of a song...
Name 2 examples of thinking
reading a novel, solving a math problem....
Name 2 examples of moving
running, walking, dancing...
What organ of the nervous system lies within the spine?
spinal cord
The brain controls almost all of the activities of the body such as moving, (1)________, (2)________, (3)___________.
sensing, thinking, memorising
The brain is the _______ of the nervous system.
centre (or center)
Name 5 senses of human
Hearing, touch, vision (or sight), smell, taste
Name 4 functions of the brain
Memorising, thinking, moving, sensing
The spinal cord is distributed throughout the body. True or False?
The nerves are distributed throughout the body. True or False?
The spinal cord lies within the _____.
The brain is inside and protected by the ________.
How many nerves each human has?
7 trillion
Name 3 organs of nervous system
brain, spinal cord, nerves