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Summer of the Monkeys- Review Chapters 1-4

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Where does Daisy spend most of her free time?
In her playhouse under the big oak tree
Why did Grandpa and Jay Berry wrap the traps with pieces of cloth?
They didn't want to injure the monkeys; they needed to capture them alive
Why did Wilson Rawls burn his original manuscripts?
He was embarrassed because he was uneducated and couldn't spell or use grammar correctly
About how much money are the monkeys worth? How much would that be in today's money?
$160; about $5400 today
About what time period does this story take place?
the late 1800s
What happens the first time Jay Berry tries to trap the monkeys?
the chimpanzee warns the little monkeys and laughs at Jay Berry, then eats all the apples
Along which river does Jay Berry and his family live?
the Illinois River
What is different about the hundred dollar monkey when compared to the others.
He is a chimpanzee, he doesn't have a tail, and he is much bigger
What does Jay Berry confuse the chimpanzee with the first time he sees it?
a crazy boy in a tree
What is the name of Jay Berry's dog?
What does Jay Berry use as bait to try to catch the monkeys for the first time?
Who does Daisy tell Jay Berry will bring him bad luck if he is caught harming the little animals?
The Old Man in the Mountain
What does Grandpa give to Jay Berry free of charge which shows how loving Grandpa is?
a sack of candy for Jay Berry and Daisy
Who helps Jay Berry prepare traps to hunt the monkeys?
How old is the protagonist in this story?
What was Mama's and Papa's profession before moving to Oklahoma?
Who is Daisy?
Jay Berry's twin sister
Where do Jay Berry and his family move to from Missouri?
Cherokee Nation, Oklahoma