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Self-Advocacy Review Social Language Group 4-202 ...

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does it mean to have a voice and a choice?
You are given the option to speak up for yourself, to make informed decisions, to let people know what you want and to be part of making decisions for your life
What does it mean that sometimes we have to advocate to ourselves? Give an example. Have you done this? Why is it important?
Self-Reflection is good- Is our thinking helpful, are we making good choices, do we need a pep talk?
What group of people is it harder for you to practice self-advocacy with? (parents, friends/peers, teachers, store/restaurant staff)
Everybody's experiences are unique
Tell us about a time when you advocated for yourself and it worked out well.
don't be afraid to share a success story!
What does self-advocacy mean?
Letting people know (in a nice voice/words) what you want, need, a goal you want to achieve, something that is important to you, your preferences
Can you remember some of the steps to self-advocacy? (Think of the video and the sentence strips)
Determine what the problem is, believe in yourself, who is the right person to ask, set up a mtg., take notes, check in, say thank you
What are 3 reasons why some people find it hard to advocate for themselves?
afraid, embarrased, they have tried before and it did not work out, they don't believe in themselves, they don't know how to advocate, not sure what they need
You are going to be late for work.
You're having trouble focusing at work because your friend keeps talking to you.
You lose your class when you are out in the community.
Your boss asked you to do a new task you haven't done before and you aren't sure how to do it.
You don't understand what you're reading about in class.
Your friend asked you a question that you don't feel comfortable answering.
Something happened at lunch and you want time to calm down before starting class.
You can't find the items you need to do your task at work.
You didn't hear the teacher's directions.
Something is missing from your order at lunch.
All of your friends want to play Call of Duty but you want to play Minecraft.