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Exam task - translations DPAPSP

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Dad (naprawił swój samochód) in the garage two days ago. Four people did it.
had his car repaired
The song (była skomponowana przez) this famous singer from the States.
was composed by
The school trip wasn't interesting at all and we all came home (raczej znudzeni).
rather bored
We have (zbyt mało czasu żeby) play basketball game outside.
too little time to
The trip could have been fascinating but unfortunately it wasn't and (myliłem się).
I was wrong
Jim called me while I (jadłem kolację).
was eating / having supper.
(Czy to należy do) Kevin? Because I'd like to borrow it.
Does it belong to
Mum got angry because I (nie byłem gotowy do szkoły) and she needed to leave fast.
wasn't ready for school
Tom and I (nie zwykliśmy spędzać) time together but now we're best friends.
didn't use to spend
(Dobrze bawiłeś się na) school trip last weekend?
Did you enjoy (the)
How many exams (zdawałeś) last year?
did you pass
If you don't know some words (sprawdź je) in a dictionary. [use phrasal verb]
look them up
Which school subject (on uczy)?
does he teach
(W której klasie) is he in?
Which class
In music class we learn (jak grać na instrumentach).
how to play (musical) the instruments
(To co mi siÄ™ nie podoba) is that the bedroom is very small.
What I don't like
Our summer house is (o wiele dalej niż) the bus stop. You'll have to walk.
much farther than
What (sÄ… zalety mieszkania) in a small village?
are the advantages of living
Which famous person would you like to (współdzielić pokój)?
share a room with
Do you know the girl (która pływa w) the pool?
who is swimming in
The pillow you're sleeping on (jest jej).
is hers.
(Jest czterdzieści) bedrooms in this castle!
There are forty
My cousin looks Latino, but he (nie pochodzi z) South America.
doesn't come from
(Będziesz używać) the hairdryer, or can I take it now?
Will you be using
Mary isn't keen on sport, and she (nie chodzi na) gym regularly.
doesn't go to