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Christmas Carol

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Who was Scrooge an apprentice to when he was younger?
As a punishment for his self-serving life, what is Marley forced to do?
Wonder the earth
Where was Charles Dicken's father sent when Charles was 12?
Debtor's prison
Stave 2: What does Scrooge do to the Ghost of Christmas Past to send him away?
Pulls down his hat over his head
How do the Ghost of Christmas Past and Scrooge travel?
Stave 2: What is unusual about the Ghost of Christmas Past's appearance?
Glowing head and floating
Stave 1: What does Scrooge blame the visions of Marley on?
Food poisoning
Where does Scrooge first see Marley's face appear?
The door knocker
Stave 1: Scrooge tells the two portly men that ___ and ___ are the only charities that he supports.
Prisons and workhouses
How many years before the story began did Jacob Marley die?
After Belle broke off her engagement with Scrooge, what did she do?
Married another man
What type of character is The Ghost of Christmas Past?
Childlike yet with old features.
A "counting house" is a 19th-century term for what?
Accountant's office