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Cake for Pudsey

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Which of these cakes does not originate in America?
Chelsea bun
When are mince pies traditionally eaten?
This cake has squares of pink and yellow sponge and is covered in marzipan. What is its name?
Which cake gets its name from the French word for a flash of lightning?
éclair (so named because it is eaten ‘in a flash’!)
What ingredients are used to make buttercream?
butter and icing sugar
What is the Guinness World Record for the tallest cake?
Which famous French royal supposedly said, “Let them eat cake!” when she found out the French people had no bread?
Marie Antoinette
Where do cupcakes get their name from?
They were originally baked in cups.
What kind of cake does Miss Trunchbull make Bruce Bogtrotter eat in Roald Dahl’s ‘Matilda’?
chocolate cake
How many cupcakes did Patrick Bertoletti eat in six minutes in 2012 to break the world record?
A piece of which cake is said to show you who you will marry in your dreams if it is placed under your pillow?
fruit cake
In baking, what is a ‘soggy bottom’?
when the pastry on the base of your tart or pie is not fully cooked
Which region of the UK do Eccles cakes come from?
What name is given to a sponge cake with jam and cream in the middle that is named after a British monarch?
Victoria sponge