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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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______________ he work late?
Does he usually work late?
19. ______________ we need this?
19. Do we need to hurry?
18. ______________ they at the cinema ?
18. Are they at the cinema just now?
15. ______________ they live in Poland?
15. Do they live in Poland?
14. ______________ John on the train?
14. Is John on the train?
13. ______________ she want to go to the gym?
13. Does she want to go to the gym?
12. ______________ you like horses?
12. Do you like horses?
11. ______________ the cat under the bed?
11. Is the cat under the bed?
10. ______________ she in the garden?
10. Is she in the garden?
9. ______________ you hungry?
9. Are you hungry?
8. ______________ it warm outside?
8. Is it warm outside?
7. ______________ you have any money?
7. Do you have any money?
6. ______________ David drink coffee?
6. Does David drink coffee?
5. ______________ he from Italy?
5. Is he from Italy?
4. ______________ you want a biscuit?
4. Do you want a biscuit?
3. ______________ Julia at home?
3. Is Julia at home?
2. ______________ Amanda speak Portuguese?
2. Does Amanda speak Portuguese?
1. ______________ you cold?
1. Are you cold?