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Future Perfect and Future Continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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__________________ (go) to the grocery store later?
Will you be going
It has been raining all morning, but hopefully it ___________ (stop) by noon so we can go to the park.
will have stopped
Don't come before 8 because I _______________ (sleep).
will be sleeping
When do you think __________________ (finish) paying your student loans?
you will have finished
In a year's time, they ____________ (build) the new freeway, so it'll be quicker to get to work.
will have built
If the movie starts at 7, we ___________ (watch) it until 8:30 at least.
will be watching
Hopefully you _______________ (read) that book you borrowed by the time I see you next.
will have read
Javier's exams are in June, so he _________ (do) them in time for our trip in July.
will have done
This time tomorrow, my friend ______________ (fly) over the Atlantic on the way to Europe.
will be flying
By the end of this month, we _____________ (move) to our new house.
will have moved
We (will have bought / will be buying) a new car once we get a loan from the bank.
will be buying
Mike (will study / will have studied / will be studying) at university next year after she finishes high school.
will be studying
By this time next week, I (will take / will have taken / will be taking) a new course. It starts on Monday.
will be taking
We (will have / will have had / will be having) three classes together by the end of this week.
will have had
If this heatwave continues, the forecasters say we (will have / will have had / will be having) a drought.
will have
Someone ____________________ a new method of transport by 2121, so we ________________ around in air cars or something. (invent / fly)
will have invented / will be flying
I don't think there will be a problem with traffic in the future. Gasoline ______________ completely by 2100, so nobody will have a car. (run out)
will have run out
Big cities ____________________ even bigger by 2050. Can you imagine the traffic? (grow)
will have grown
They say the number of storms and tsunamis __________________ by the middle of the century, so even more people ______________ by then to the cities looking for work. (double / move)
will have doubled / will have moved
An island like Nauru ______________ by 2150 because of the rise in the sea level. (disappear)
will have disappeared
We _____________ on the beach. We ___________ working in 30 degree weather, which is quite different. (not tan / work)
won't be tanning / will be working
They say we _______________ much higher temperatures in the future, as high as 30 degrees. (have)
will be having
The film started at 8, and it's two hours long. The film ______________ at 10:30. (finish)
will have finished
Sam is usually at the gym between 6 and 7 am. There's no point in phoning him now. It's 6:30, and he __________ at the gym. (work out)
will be working out
She writes a chapter of her novel a week. This week she's on chapter three. By the end of this week, she _____________ three chapters. (write)
will have written
Their last exam is on May 25th. By the end of May, they _____________ their exams. (finish)
will have finished
Jo is paying for his car by monthly payments. The last payment is in May. By June, he ____________ for his car. (pay)
will have paid
The meeting starts at 9 and finishes at 10, so don't call me at 9:30 because we _________________ a meeting. (have)
will be having
Jennie leaves at 7 am, and it takes her an hour to get to work. At 7:30 tomorrow, she ________________ to work. (drive)
will be driving
I usually save $200 a month. By the end of the year, I _______________ $2400. (save)
will have saved
The flight to Krakow takes off at 9 and lands at 10:30. At 10, they _______________ to Geneva. (fly)
will be flying