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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There was nobody to help me. __________________ everything by myself. (I / do)
I had to do everything by myself.
‘The bus was late again.’ How long _____________________ ?’ (you / wait)
How long did you have to wait?
‘I’m afraid I can’t stay long.’ ‘What time __________________? (you / go)
What time do you have to go?
Is Paul enjoying his new job? _______________________ a lot? (he / travel)
Does he have to travel a lot?
I don’t have much time. _______________________. (I / hurry)
I have to hurry.
How old _________________ to drive in your country? (you / be)
How old do you have to be to drive in your country?
Karen can’t stay for the whole meeting. ________________ early. (she / leave)
She has to leave early.
There was a lot of noise from the street. ______________ the window. (we / close)
We had to close the window.
‘I broke my arm last week.’ ‘____ to hospital?’ (you /go)
Did you have to go to hospital?
Bill starts work at 5 a.m. ______ at four. (he / get up)
he has to get up