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Alike and Different

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How are they different?
One is a banana. The other is an apple.
They are both fruit.
How are they different?
One is broccoli. The other is carrots.
Both are vegetables.
How are they the same?
They are both vegetables.
One is carrots. The other is broccoli.
How are they the same?
They are both fruit.
One is a banana. The other is an apple.
How are they different?
One is red. The other is green.
Both are crayons.
How are they alike?
They are both crayons.
One is red. The other is green.
How are they different?
One is Pikachu. The other is Evee.
They are both Pokemon.
How are they the same?
Both are Pokemon.
One is Pikachu. The other is Evee.
How are they different?
One is a man. The other is a woman.
They are both people.
How are they alike?
Both are people.
One is a man. The other is a woman.
How are they different?
One is big. The other is little.
They are both fish.
How are they the same?
Both are fish.
One is big. The other is little.
How are they different/
One is a dog. The other is a cat.
Both are animals.
How are they the same?
The are both animals.
One is a dog. The other is a cat.
How are they different?
One circle is blue. The other circle is orange.
They are both circles.
How are they the same?
Both are circles.
One is orange. The other is blue.
How are they different?
One is green. The other is blue.
They are both cars.
How are they alike?
Both are cars.
One car is green. The other car is blue.
How are they different?
One is red. The other is yellow.
Both are flowers.
How are they the same?
They are both flowers.
One is red. The other is yellow.
How are they different?
One is a spider. The other is an ant.
Both are bugs.
How are they alike?
Both are bugs.
One is a spider. The other is an ant.