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Present Tenses Revision

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She ... (be) to the bank to pay some bills. She'll be back in an hour.
has gone
The evening performance ... (start) at 8 pm.
Computec ... (hold) a five-day seminar on computers for all its employees.
is holding
Jamie ... (never / remember) about my birthdays and I find it really insulting!
is never remembering
More and more people ... (recycle) their rubbish.
are recycling
(Amphibians/live) both on land and in water?
Do amphibians live
(They/believe) me now?
Do they believe
(You/ever/meet) anybody really famous?
Have you ever met
... and then he ...(walk) into the room, ... (smile) and ... (pretend) he cannot see her.
walks / smiles / pretends
(You/always/hate) science subjects?
Have you always hated
Listen! Somebody ... (whistle) this horrible song in the street again!.
is whistling
Who ... (annoy) people more: teachers or politicians?
I ... (know) this song since I was a child.
have known
This horrible teacher ... (not teach/I) anything so far!
hasn't taught me
Who ... (she/ respect)?
does she respect
How long ... (the film/last)? Can you check in the paper?
does the film last
This is the second time she ... (do) something like that to me.
has done
She .. (have) a baby pretty soon, so be gentle with her.
is having
She ... (think) about changing her job because she isn't happy about it.
is thinking
I frequently ... (text) my friends on my mobile, but I'm not like some people who ... (always/use) their phones, even when they're with their friends.
text / are always using
I ... (prepare) for my maths test tonight so don't call me then.
am preparing
He ... (always/talk) about his life and what's he doing but he doesn't care about anyone else!
is always talking
They ... (never/see) the Eiffel Tower before.
have never seen