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Physical Science

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which of the following items might you have in a simple circuit?
all of these
light bulb
Which of these materials is NOT magnetic?
What is the main source of energy for most living things on Earth?
Solar Energy
Wind Energy
Nuclear energy
Which of the following materials is a good conductor of heat?
You hit play on a video on your computer, music begins playing? What energy is transformed in this example?
From electrical energy to sound energy
From mechanical energy to electrical energy
From electrical energy to thermal energy
Which of the following is an example of energy transformation?
A flashlight turning on
a ball rolling downhill
a book falling to the ground
Fill in the blank of the following statement. Matter can not be ________ or destroyed.
You have a sugar cube in water it dissolves in the water, what happens to the total amount of matter?
it stays the same
it increases
it decreases
it changes color
If you crush a soda can into a flat sheet of metal, what happens to the total amount of matter?
It stays the same
It decreases
It increases
What happens to the total amount of matter when a piece of ice melts into water?
The total amount of matter stays the same
The total amount of matter increases
The total amount of matter decreases