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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why is continuous learning important for leaders?
The business landscape is constantly evolving, and leaders need to adapt their skills and knowledge to stay ahead of the curve.
What is the role of a leader in building a positive team culture?
Leaders foster a culture of trust, respect, collaboration, and open communication.
How can a leader motivate a team that is feeling discouraged?
By acknowledging their challenges, celebrating small wins, and reminding them of the bigger purpose.
How can a leader handle a situation where a team member makes a mistake?
By focusing on learning and improvement, offering constructive feedback, and creating a safe space for growth.
What is the importance of leading by example?
Leaders who embody the values and behaviors they expect from their team inspire greater trust and commitment.
How can a leader empower their team?
By providing them with autonomy, resources, and opportunities to make decisions.
What is the role of a leader in conflict resolution?
To facilitate communication, identify underlying issues, and guide the team towards a win-win solution.
There are different leadership styles. Can you name a few?
Authoritarian, democratic, participative, transformational, and servant leadership.
What are some of the core qualities of a good leader?
Communication, vision, empathy, integrity, and the ability to delegate effectively.
What is the difference between a manager and a leader?
Managers oversee tasks and processes, while leaders inspire and motivate teams towards a shared vision.