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Conditionals and English pt. 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He'll be disappointed...
Answer with present simple verb
If there hadn't been so much traffic...
Answer with "would + present perfect"
stressed / have / be / we / would / didn't / phones / less / if. We...
We would be less stressed if we didn't have phones.
I ...................................... (not buy) a black dress for the wedding if I were you.
I wouldn't buy a black dress for the wedding if I were you.
He would have drowned if the lifeguard ..................................... (not be) there.
He would have drowned if the lifeguard hadn't been there.
I ...................................... (stay) with the company if I had been promoted.
I would have stayed with the company if I had been promoted.
If you went on holiday, you ...................................... (feel) more relaxed.
If you went on holiday, you would feel more relaxed.
If you don't finish your homework, you won't get to go to the cinema.
If you wear sunscreen you won't get sunburn.
How do you say this in British and American English?
Br: Queue. Am: Line
How do you say this in British and American English?
Br: Lift. Am: Elevator
How do you say this in British and American English?
Br: Biscuit. Am: Cookie
How do you say this in British and American English?
Br: Crisps. Am: Chips
Pocket Money-Allowance, Post-Mail, Pub-Bar, Cinema-Movie Theater
Shop-Store, Tin-Can, Cooker-Stove, Drapes-Curtains
Handbag-Purse, Holiday-Vacation, University-College, Mad-Crazy
What is another way to say "flashlight" in English? Which one is British?
Torch. Torch is British.
What is another way to say "pacifier" in English? Which one is British?
Dummy. Dummy is British.
What is another way to say "lorry" in English? Which one is British?
Truck. Lorry is British